About Taekwon-Do

Put simply, Taekwon-Do (founded 1955) or the ‘Art of Hand and Foot’ is a Korean martial art which utilises scientifically devised hand and foot techniques to provide a unique system of unarmed self defence. The founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi, refined and developed these movements and through extensive scientific research and development, Taekwon-Do has evolved into one of the most effective martial arts in the world. Today, Taekwon-Do has become one of the most popular martial arts in the world because anyone, regardless of age, gender, and size, can benefit from its training.

Benefits of Taekwon-Do

Taekwon-Do offers a wide array of physical and mental benefits for people of all ages. As well as learning to defend yourself there are many other benefits:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any previous experience?

No previous experience is necessary. All you need is the desire to learn! Our beginners’ classes are tailored for new students with no previous martial art training.

What will I learn?

The beginners’ programme is essentially an introduction to Taekwon-Do, consisting of stretching and exercise, fundamental Taekwon-Do movements, pad & target work, practical self defence techniques, and the philosophy of the art.

Do I have to be an athlete to start?

No. Everyone trains at his or her own level. If you are not used to hard physical training, that’s fine. You will find that your strength, endurance, and flexibility increase steadily as you progress. If you are a conditioned athlete, don't worry, you will get a good workout also. We welcome students of all backgrounds and abilities. Taekwon-Do can be rewarding for anyone who wants to train.

What should I wear?

Loose fitting clothing which allows freedom of movement is best, e.g. a tracksuit and t-shirt. You don’t need to get a Taekwon-Do uniform right away.


The RITA runs several well organised tournaments around the country each year, and students are encouraged to take part (although participation is optional). We also travel away to competitions abroad.

At Black Belt level, the opportunity is there to compete at ITF European & World Championships, as many of our students have done.

National level squad training is also available at all levels for those interested in competitions.